Diabetes at Work: 7 Essential Steps to Manage Your Health

Diabetes at Work 7 Essential Steps to Manage Your Health

In the bustling corridors of corporate India, where the race to the top is relentless, health often takes a backseat. Yet, for the millions grappling with diabetes, striking a balance between professional aspirations and health is paramount. Diabetes, a silent adversary, has been tightening its grip on the nation, with numbers surging from 77 million in 2019 to a staggering 101 million today.

Dr Ravi Sankar Erukulapati, an esteemed Endocrinologist from Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, sheds light on this alarming trend. He remarks, “The modern-day work culture, especially desk jobs, poses challenges for diabetes management. Often, professionals neglect lifestyle changes and medication schedules, jeopardizing their health.”

Mastering Diabetes Management at Work

Craft a Tailored Diabetes Action Plan: The battle against diabetes begins at home. Prioritize a good night’s sleep and kickstart your day with a nutritious breakfast. Whether you dine at home or at work, ensure your meal is balanced, keeping sugar fluctuations in check.

Smart Snacking: The office environment is rife with culinary temptations. While abstaining entirely might be a Herculean task, moderation is key. Stock up on wholesome snacks like fruits, salads, and nuts. And remember, water trumps sugary beverages any day.

Lunch – The Heart of Your Diet: Homemade lunches are your best bet. A diabetes-friendly meal comprises leafy greens, non-starchy veggies, healthy carbs, lean proteins, and low-carb fruits. On special occasions, monitor your calorie intake.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Devices like CGM are invaluable, offering real-time glucose data. This aids in making informed dietary decisions.

Unwavering Medication Routine: Medication adherence is pivotal for diabetes management. Set reminders if you need to medicate during work hours. Ashwini Pawar, Medical Affairs Director for Abbott in India, emphasizes the importance of medication adherence and highlights Abbott’s efforts in introducing patient-centric innovations.

Inform Your Team: Sharing your diabetic condition with colleagues ensures they can assist during emergencies and might even offer more consistent lunch breaks.

Stay Active and Manage Stress: Combat the sedentary work lifestyle with stretches, short walks, or post-meal strolls. Equally crucial is stress management. Meditation, breaks, or simple chats can work wonders.

In conclusion, while diabetes might be a formidable foe, with the right strategies, one can lead a fulfilling professional life without compromising health. We’d love to hear from our readers. How do you manage your diabetes at work?

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