Tragedy Strikes Mumbai: Fire Breaks Out at Santacruz’s Galaxy Hotel, Leaving 3 Dead and 5 Injured

Tragedy Strikes Mumbai Fire Breaks Out at Santacruz's Galaxy Hotel, Leaving 3 Dead and 5 Injured

In a tragic turn of events, a fire broke out at the Galaxy Hotel in Santacruz, Mumbai, resulting in three fatalities and five individuals sustaining injuries. The incident occurred on Saturday, and the fire department was immediately alerted to combat the blaze.

The fire brigade received a call about the incident at around 7:10 pm and promptly dispatched four fire engines and four jumbo tankers to the scene.

  • Despite their best efforts, three people lost their lives, and five others were injured in the incident.
  • The injured were rushed to the nearby V.N. Desai Hospital for treatment.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but preliminary reports suggest that it may have originated from the hotel’s kitchen. The hotel staff and guests were evacuated as soon as the fire was detected, but unfortunately, not everyone made it out in time.

The incident has raised concerns about the safety measures in place at hotels and other commercial establishments in the city. It is a stark reminder of the importance of regular safety checks and the need for strict adherence to fire safety norms.

The local authorities have assured that a thorough investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of the fire and to assess whether the hotel management adhered to all the necessary safety protocols.

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